Digital Marketing

Long gone are the days where a business could simply open its doors and see success. The ever-increasing competition for business has driven many advertisers to improve their online presence and focus on digital, social and other online forms of marketing. I4 Solutions has been at the forefront of the SEO, SEM and Social Media Marketing frontier providing innovative services to help our local clients achieve success both on and offline.

Our most successful packages use a combination of social, search engine and direct advertising campaigns to supplement your existing business. Our efforts have helped grow small sales teams by as much as 800%. By focusing our efforts on increasing your web conversions rather than just generating traffic we can bring a greater ROI to each of our clients.

We specialize in creating custom interactive presentations that give your online presence the same level of service that a customer would receive if they were to approach a customer service employee at your brick and mortar location. This way your customer can begin solving their problem right away with you, rather than shopping your competitors.

Succeeding in today’s ever-changing market means you need a complete online presence including social media. For most business owners this is a hassle, time-consuming and tedious. With i4 Solutions, we include social media management at no additional cost with an SEO contract.

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